How To Make Perfect Headlines For Social Media Posts



Your headlines decide the fate of your posts. They make the first impression on your reader’s mind. If the headline fails to intrigue readers, then 80% of your effort is a sheer waste.

People read only the headlines when they browse through social media pages. If the headlines are catchy and interesting, only then do they actually get motivated to click the link and read the whole story. If they are not attracted by the headline, they will move on to the next update, which takes as little as 5 seconds!

Therefore, headlines for social media posts should be compelling enough to attract the readers. How can you create killer headlines for all your social media posts? We are sharing some tricks on how you can create perfect headlines for social media posts that will lead to more clicks and shares.

Grab the Attention

Are your headlines grabbing the attention of your readers? You are writing posts to be read by one and all, right? So, the headlines should be forceful enough to compel them to read the body of the content. You can start by tackling a problem.

Try to recreate a situation and ask your readers some questions. The reason? It’s because fear sells like hot cakes. Tell the reader there is a problem looming and ask them if they are aware of it. They will click the link to read more.

In the same way, entertainment sells high on social media. Funny headlines and jokes grab the eyeballs. People love to share these kinds of updates.

Target Audience

You know your target audience well and what they like to read and share. Create headlines that are well received by them and shared more. They will have more interest in reading posts that are tailor-made for them.

For instance, if you write a food blog and know that your target audience loves healthy food, you can share recipes of simple, healthy food. However, make sure you know your target audience before experimenting with anything.

Arouse Curiosity

Arousing curiosity is another trick that works wonders. This will compel the viewers not only to read the post but also to take some action. Action here refers to the number of likes and shares.

You can start with a “How To” series of blogs like How To Design An Effective Marketing Collateral? Trying out other titles like “Key Trends You Need To Know” will also grab the reader’s attention.

Powerful Benefits

Are you sharing any tips or benefits with your readers? After all, they should know what is in store for them and why they should care about it.

Headlines like “Essential Tips for,” “Smart Strategies To” or “Most Popular Ways To” show that you have something very informational for them.

Ask Questions

Asking questions like “Are you making these marketing mistakes” can also be powerful. Readers tend to respond to questions quicker. When you ask a question, it arouses curiosity and the reader will click the link to find out if the information present is valuable and usable.

Your Thoughts

What kind of headlines do you think will be catchy for social media posts? Please share your ideas in the comment section below.

In the meantime, if you need any help with marketing efforts for your business, feel free to write to us at

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